Since I've updated via SDC to WB4.19[b].003 I have had serious problems with PSP 7.04 when any WB skin is loaded. At first I thought it might be because I had PSP on my Per App exclude list and WB appeared to be skinning the PSP window anyway. But then I noticed that the latest build had put PSP on the exclude list by Stardock.
SO then I thought it might be the fact that PSP was then effectively being excluded twice, and removed my PerApp exclusion. But that didn't help at all. After numerous tries of every combination I could think of unloading and reloading WB, reboots, uninsstall and reinstalls of WB, and trying over 20 skins, I've discovered the following:
1. No matter what I do, if WB is loaded, it skins the PSP windows.
2. As soon as I try to move ANY MDI or tool pallet window, PSP locks up.
3. There is no error message other than the standard WinXP hungapp notice.
4. When WB is unloaded, PSP works just fine no matter what I do or how much I load it up including very heavy math and redraw loads as well as window movement.
I'm running the following:
WinXP Home SP1
PSP 7.04
Pentium 4 - 1.49GHz
NVidia RIVA TNT2 mod 64 Pro
Latest NVidia driver for same per check today
Of course, with the problems I've had with NVidia drivers and WinXP, I'm not ruling that out as a culprit, but it seems odd that I don't have a problem as soon as WB is unloaded. Especially since Stardock just included PSP as an auto-exclude on the PerApp list.
I'm also reporting this via stardock news groups, but was curious if anyone else has seen a similar problem. Any comments, suggestions, etc very gratefully accepted. Thanks in advance.